Monday, March 23, 2009

The Corporate Bogeyman

Obviously I do not know how to spell "bogeyman." I just remember thinking that it wasn't spelled phonetically, so I tried for unphonetical spelling. Anyway, moving on to the purpose for my blog tonight.

I tend to be a sensationalist. Yes, I looked this word up in the dictionary before I used it. It doesn't perfectly fit my purposes, but it will function in this instance. I know I'm not painting myself in a very flattering light, but I tend to get very excited about almost every new thing I learn before checking to see whether that new bit of knowledge is true or not. Generally I'm excited because it seems very true and relevant, but I'm not so arrogant as to believe that I am incapable of being deceived, especially when a lot of the world today is extremely skilled in deception. So, that's why I'm a sensationalist. I get excited about sensational knowledge. However, that's where everyone else comes in. Ah, the purpose of my blog finally comes to light: I am asking for outside input and opinions on my newest piece of knowledge.

Tonight I watched a documentary with my religion class called "The Corporation." Here is the website for the documentary, and I highly recommend watching it to anyone that is affected by a corporation: Which means everyone, by the way. After watching the movie, I discussed with my friend the fact that both of us have learned a lot this semester that we hadn't known before, and although that's generally the purpose of taking a class, we have felt different about this semester's new knowledge in that we feel we must do something about what we have learned. I may or may not write more blogs about the other topics and issues I now feel are important and should be addressed, but right now the foremost in my mind is the entity of the corporation.

I looked up the word "corporation" in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, and the search returned four definitions. The one most important to me right now is the second: "a body formed and authorized by law to act as a single person although constituted by one or more persons and legally endowed with various rights and duties including the capacity of succession." This, my friends, is the definition of one of the most influential powers in our modern world. The big corporations, or companies, that affect us all are gaining more power as time goes by. We see the results of this grasping for power in environmental problems, global oppression of the poor and working classes, and a deadly duo of consumerism and materialism.

Okay, I've obviously developed a pretty strong opinion on corporations and capitalism in the past few months. I have to admit that I never thought any of this important before now. However, I will also admit that I have only seen part of the issue, though that part has made me react very strongly. This is where everyone else comes in again. Besides just expressing opinions, if any of you have an interest or knowledge please help me find some reliable research on the topic. I would do this myself, but at this point I shouldn't even be taking the time to write this blog. :) So, if anyone can help me learn more on the topic or offer me some additional knowledge, it would be much appreciated. I hope you all take the time the think about something that I find very important. Thank you!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Vivo ancora!!!

It's amazing! She's alive! Wow, sorry my one loyal reader (Becky). :D And anyone else out there who got annoyed that I never updated. I felt kind of weird writing here since I technically made this my travel blog, and I haven't really done too much traveling, but I wanted it to be for later, too. So...Here it is. It's later, and I'm going to write more!

Apparently my classes did nearly kill me, but I survived last semester and I'm surviving this one. I'm hoping to graduate this May, hooray! We'll see if I ever make it down that long aisle to receive my long-anticipated diploma, though. I don't feel so sure sometimes. That's been discouraging me from writing, plus the fact that my computer acts up almost constantly these days. However, I will persevere! And live to see another day! Even if it contains tests, homework, stress, and more stress.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August, how I love your long days!

Sadly, there just aren't enough of them before school starts again! I've been so busy learning a new job and attempting to keep up with life that this summer has passed by in a blur! Of course, I'm sure part of that had to do with the fact that I'm used to my summer officially beginning at the end of April, whereas this year I got home almost in the middle of June. But anyway, life has been busy and fun this summer, though it's almost over. Well, summer anyway. Life isn't almost over, though with some of the classes I have to look forward to, I'm not quite so sure.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In vacanze

Ah, lovely Florida in the summertime. Well, besides the cloud cover and humidity, at least. I'm enjoying my little family vacation and my time with my brother before he goes off to California and with my family after being gone for about nine months. I'm also going to try to see some other friends in the area and some of my extended family in the area, too.

I got in a conversation with my brother's roommate and his girlfriend (who happens to be my roommate from high school and a very good friend) last night about anime, and now I've got an anime-watching project to last me for the rest of the summer, hooray! Well, I just wanted to write something since it's been a little while since I last wrote, even if it's not anything important or groundbreaking.

The family in Florida, taking a walk on Park Avenue

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Library Work

The library is an enormous mess right now. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it is being torn apart! Quite literally, actually. They're renovating the ground floor this summer, which is where I do most of my work. The carpets have been pulled up, the walls have been torn down, dust is everywhere--it's not a very nice place to spend a lot of time! Unfortunately, I spend the majority of most days here! However, I think the final product will be worth the trouble.

That's all that's going on with me right now. I'm afraid my blog entries won't be very interesting this summer if this one is anything to go by!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Here I am

Home again. Back in the United States. I guess I'll have to stop calling this a travel blog now, sadly. I'll still try to write, though, maybe as much as I wrote while I was in Italy! Pretty sad record, I know, but maybe I'll even write more now that I have so much more uninteresting stuff to write. That's usually when I write the most; when I have absolutely nothing to say!

I was very excited, though, that one of my teachers from the school in Italy was here in Tennessee for a bit. She's still here, actually, but she leaves tomorrow. That made it a little easier to come back since I knew I'd have at least one connection to Italy at least for a little bit. We love you, Milena! Now, I just need to watch Italian movies and listen to Italian music and try not to lose what I've learned.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Italia lost!

I don't know if anyone out there is a fan of soccer, but I just watched the game between Italy and the Netherlands for the European Cup. Man, what a brutal defeat for Italy! Netherlands won 3-0. We were all together in the TV room watching the game on the projector, groaning and yelling and cheering for the poor Italian team.

I have to say, though, the olandese ( do you say that, anyway?) goalkeeper was pretty incredible! Even Simona, the Italian girl sitting next to me, said that. What made me laugh, though, was that every time the camera would pan to him, he'd have this huge frown on his face or he'd be yelling at his team members or something. Why so angry? You're apparently unbeatable! Well, at least by the Italian team. Silly goalkeeper.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Back in Florence

And a bit relieved to be here. I hadn't thought about how stressful it would be to fly back from Malta only to have to be ready to fly again within a few hours. I'm glad I decided to come back earlier because now I have this week to figure out how I'm going to get to the airport and whether I'm going to try to pack that extra kilogram or not risk it.

It's kind of funny how much we worry about packing. In fact, if I were afraid of flying, at this point I'd probably be more afraid of getting through the weighing of the suitcases than that. I'm not afraid of flying, but I'm definitely worried about my suitcases! I wish it was easier than it is! I'm even considering just paying the extra money for my suitcases, but since I'm so close that would be pretty pointless. Right now I've already packed my suitcases and they're at a friend's house, but I've still got a few things I need to fit in somewhere, and they're not fitting in my carry-on! Anyway, that was a pointless little discourse about the petty worries of packing.

So, in more global news, Hilary Clinton has apparently finally given up her bid for president. I'm curious to see how the elections will pan out. I suppose I'd better get back to getting my stuff ready. I'll worry about the elections in November!

Friday, June 6, 2008

No sand, too much sun and broken bikes!

Yep, so I'm in Malta. Quite a gorgeous place, actually, though the title might fool you. The beaches are mostly rocky and I think I got too much sun today when I had to walk back from a bay with Erin and our bikes. Her gears kept slipping on her bike, so we couldn't ride back to the hostel. It wasn't too bad, just a bit hot and sweaty. Now we're back, though, and tomorrow we'll meet some friends from Villa Aurora at the Adventist church here. So...that's my impression of Malta so far. No, just give me a couple of minutes of coolness and I'll give a much more positive report! :) Ciao everyone!

Friday, May 30, 2008

L'esame รจ fatto!

As the title says, the exam is done! The conversation exam was this morning, the last part of the PLIDA test for international certification in Italian. I think I did well, but I'm just relieved to have it finished! Now I have to wait until October or November to find out how I did on the tests and whether or not I passed. I won't be anticipating it because waiting that long with anticipation would probably kill me! So, I'm going to put it out of my mind. Now I have a few days left here in Florence before I'm off to my island vacation in Malta, which sounds a lot more glamorous than it probably will be.

Tonight is our closing ceremony where we will receive our diplomas and have one last meeting together. Tomorrow is the closing ceremony of the theology students, and I'm going to try to go to that, too. This afternoon I'll spend some time shopping for souvenirs! Anyway, these are my last few days in Italy, and I hope I can enjoy them as I have enjoyed this year!